Posted by: CatherineD | September 24, 2009

Pinch me!

Am I dreaming? Are we really going to finally meet our little boy? Craziness. I only hyper-ventilated a little today.

Here’s how it happened: I was getting tired of staring at the phone, so when I went to take a shower, I left the phone in the living room. While I was drying off, I thought about the phone –  I imagined that maybe it had rung while I was showering, and maybe there was a missed call from Dillon (our agency). But then, I reminded myself that I had been wishing those same wishful thoughts for the past few days, anytime my phone was out of earshot. Still, I had to know. So at 11:34, I streaked through the house and grabbed my phone. O.M.G. There were two missed calls from Dillon AND a voicemail (they called at 11:16). The voicemail said that they had just received a fax from Eastern – our baby was ready to travel! I called Brian right away to tell him, and he asked – “Are you kidding?” Umm, would I kid about something like that?

We were hoping to fly out on Saturday (Brian is photographing a wedding Friday night), but the travel agent couldn’t find an open flight until Sunday a.m. So, we’ll fly out Sunday morning and come home Thursday night. Our agency is working with Eastern to schedule the foster family visit(s). Since it’s such a quick trip, there may only be one visit.

Brian and I sat in the nursery tonight (celebratory cocktails in hand) and planned for our trip. We chose a couple outfits, toys and a blanket to take for Daniel, and I made a pile of laundry that I’ll do tomorrow. We have a big “To Do” list for tomorrow, then we have to leave for the wedding late afternoon.

And, the travel call’s not all we’re celebrating. For those of you who read about my recent adventures in baking, I’d like you to know that I tried another banana bread recipe (Thanks, Lauren!), and it turned out deliciously!

banana bread


  1. Congratulations! What great news! In another week you’ll be celebrating in the nursery with your little guy! Can’t wait to hear more about it all.

    Jane : )

  2. I’m soooooo excited for you!

  3. Yay!!!! You’ll be holding him so soon! I love that you celebrated in the nursery. And congrats on making a successful batch banana bread:)

  4. Woohoo!

  5. Sunday is so soon – that is AWESOME news, Catherine! We are so excited for you guys to meet Daniel!!!!

  6. Wow, what a whirlwind! Yippee!!!

  7. I LOVE that you had cocktails to celebrate…in the nursery!! LOVE that for sure.

    Have fun getting ready. Make lists…that was kept me focused and sane…sort of!

    So exciting!!!

  8. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So happy for you, have a WONDERFUL time!! 🙂

    Carla S.

  9. Oh my!!!!! I’m so glad I checked your blog today. I can’t believe it!!!! Will you be able to post updates and pictures while you are gone?

  10. HOW EXCITING!!!!

    I *just* found your blog, through Janet & am so pleased to be finding it right now! my hubby & I are in the homestudy process of our korean adoption. can’t wait to hear all about your trip and your NEW BABY!!!

  11. That is a very quick trip! Enjoy every minute of it!
    Celebration is in order for sure!

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