Posted by: CatherineD | October 7, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick update on life with Daniel…

Man, are we TIRED! D slept through the night for the first time last night (from 9 p.m. until 8:30 a.m.), but only as long as Mommy was on the floor next to him.

Brian, Daniel and Lily are out for a walk. I’m bummed that I couldn’t join them, but I’ve done something to my right foot. I think I hurt it because I’ve been using my right leg and foot to hoist me and Daniel up from a sitting position – to take the pressure off my back. Now, the arch of my foot is killing me. Hopefully it will heal up quickly if I take it easy for a few days.

D had his first visit with the pediatrician on Monday, and we were there forever! The visit itself was quick, but they attached a bag to him so they could catch a urine sample, cut a hole in his diaper for the bag to hang through and we had to wait until he peed. Well, we ended up driving down the road to Wendy’s, leisurely eating our lunch in the car and constantly looking down at the bag. Any pee yet? Three hours later we finally had pee!!! It was pretty hilarious watching Brian carry him triumphantly back into the doctor’s office, full bag swinging between his legs like a water balloon. I thought for sure it would come loose and splatter everywhere… eek!

Baby Daniel got a clean bill of health, and we’ll see the doctor again in two months for his one year exam.

Okay, here’s the part I know you’ve been waiting for…

First Walk in the Neighborhood

First Walk in the Neighborhood

Poor Lily's not the baby anymore!

Poor Lily's not the baby anymore!


Daniel Walking




  1. Yay! So glad to hear from you guys!!! He’s adorable and you all look so happy šŸ™‚

  2. I’ve been so anxious to hear from you guys! Sounds like you are tired but having a great time with Daniel. He is so precious! I’m very happy for you guys to be home as a family of three. The photo of Daniel standing up with the yellow onesie with fish is soooo cute!!

  3. Cute, cute!!!

    Sounds like maybe he’s ready for potty training already if he can hold it for 3 hours!!!!! LOL!

  4. Oh my goodness! Every pictures is cuter than the last. Thanks for the update!

  5. It’s so wonderful to get an update about D and to see photos of all of you. He’s a cutie pie!

  6. I’ve been thinking of you guys!! So happy for an update (and pictures of course!) Hoping the sleep gets better for you guys… I know that pain… hang in there!

  7. I’ve been thinking about you, too – so glad to hear things are going pretty well. He is such a cutie!

  8. I’ve been waiting for an update, thanks for the pictures! He is soooo cute!

    I’ve decided that parenting is a full-contact sport, and have had more problems with my body in the last 10 months than in my entire life. So, I understand random pain in random places. I hope you heal up soon!

  9. I can TOTALLY relate to the sore, achy back and legs from picking these guys up…especially from sleeping on the floor (on a mattress)…which is where we spend our nights too. Ouchie! It is hard going from the floor to standing. I pulled the towel rod off the wall last night attempting to use it to “balance myself” as I picked Dylan up off the floor – where I lie him down to dry him off after his bath. Oops!

    I LOVE the photos. He looks happy…and you do too. I love his chunky thighs…our guy has them too and I think ALL babies should. Too cute. Look how WARM it looks there by you. It is getting colder here, of course.

    I can relate to TIRED too. It gets better. We go to bed early…so we get enough sleep. I dream of having him sleep in a crib…but I think we are a long way from it. We started training…but then he got sick…and we went back to his comfort zone.

  10. What an absolute CUTIE!!!
    I hope your foot feels better.
    And a pee bag?! I’m so glad we didn’t have to do that for Alex… don’t think I could have handled that one šŸ˜‰

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